May 9, 2020
Catholic Charities is sponsoring a food distribution site in Little Village at Epiphany on the third Tuesday of every month. They are in need of volunteers to help with the distribution. If you are interested, please call:
Herminia at Epiphany at 773 521-1112 or
Marilu Gonzalez (parishioner who works with Catholic Charities) at 312 437-1019.
The dates presently reserved are May 19, June 16 and July 21.
The commitment is for those dates from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Caridades Católicas va a distribuir comida aquí el La Villita el tercer martes de cada mes. Necesitan voluntarios que pueden ayudar de entre las 10:00 AM – 12:00PM los días 19 de mayo, 16 de junio y 21 de julio.
Si puede ayudar, favor de llamar a
Herminia en Epifanía (773 521-1112) o
Marilu Gonzalez (312 437-1019).
El sitio va a ser en Epifanía.